Financia: Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea (Proyectos de Refuerzo de Capacidades para jóvenes)
Fechas del proyecto: 01/05/2012 – 31/05/2018
Duración: 24 meses
Lugar de celebración: España, Francia, Italia, Eslovenia
Grupo destinatario: jóvenes desempleados, trabajadores juveniles.


Fourteen millions of Young european are nor in education or training (NEETs) and their number has been growing ever since because of the economic crisis. The European Commission, the stakeholders and the youth workers become more and more aware of the economic, social and sanitary consequences of this phenomenon. Mascheerini, one of the autor of the Eurofound report on NEETS precise that this youngster are attracted by the radicalism party in Europe.

NEETS are more likely than other citizen to follow radicalist movement because of they feel they are outside the society and they reject the establish model.


Com-Pass is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus Plus program and  aims at giving an innovative input to this issue by developing a social and civic approach, with 3 steps:

  • to understand the NEETs’ path and get the NEETs involved in the society through the storytelling digital approach ;
  • to develop an educational approach so that NEETs can have a conscience about themselves and get confidence, within their environment and the society. The REAL-E method is based on the criteria of Repère-Equilibre-Adaptation-Limites-Echanges (Landmark-Balance-Adaptation-Limits-Exchanges);
  • to determine and highlight the skills and competences of the people involved in the project through an e-portfolio platform , based on the soft competences of the people – the comp-pass platform.

This final objective of this 3-steps process is to get the young people motivated to get back to employment, training or any other kind of re-socialisation project (such a volunteering).

Fases del Proyecto

During 24 months, the 7 partners of the project develop 2 different trainings (one about storytelling and the second one about REAL-E), they make the experimentation of this method with 10 NEETs per partner, so 70 young people in total.

As such, 14 facilitators of the partners will be trained to use the educational tools developed, through 2 short-term trainings.

While the project deals with NEETs and the development of youth workers’ competences, the partnership will work on the comp-pass platform. This unique tool will allow:

  • to get a sense of belonging and to help the young to get confidence about themselves;
  • to develop learning by doing activities through the development of IT competences;
  • to make a presentation of themselves through an innovative and creative tool (CV of the future);
  • to create CV with hyperlinks making the link with the e-portfolio profile;
  • to include references and recommendations (multimedia, scanned documents, video/audio);
  • to make accessible any important and useful information for employers, training centres, hosting organisations;

to help the tutoring of the young people, through coaching/follow up.

Socios del proyecto


Pistes Solidaires, France


  • Associação Mais Cidadania (AMC), Portugal
  • Asociación Cazalla Intercultural (Cazalla), Spain
  • Fekete Sereg Ifjúsági Egyesület (Fekete Sereg), Hungary
  • Kulturno izobrazevalno drustvo PiNA (PiNA), Slovenia
  • Replay Network, Italy
  • Sdrudzenie Znam I Moga, Bulgaria (Know and Can)



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