Financia: Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea (KA 2 Asociaciones estratégicas en el ámbito de la Juventud)
Fechas del proyecto: 01/02/2020 – 31/05/2022
Duración: 22 meses
Lugar de celebración: Lorca, España, Roma (Italia), Oslo (Noruega), Pécs (Hungría)
Grupo destinatario: Profesores, trabajadores juveniles.


E-STAR: E-Learning for Standing Together Against Racism is a project that tackles the topic of racism, in particular that of invisible racism, aiming to provide youth workers with new knowledge and tools useful to foster awareness and learning among young people, fighting discrimination and valuing diversity.

We see that racist speech is present in social networks, in the media and even in the new populist and nationalist discourse. This hate speech is losing all modesty and stature in society, which is trying to find the culprits in the face of the difficulty of finding employment, the precariousness of employment and the inability to give an inclusive and integrating response to the need for new multicultural communities and global challenges. Therefore, the project aims to promote tools for youth workers that are useful, versatile, attractive and easy to understand and implement, so that they can work in fighting the discrimination and hate speech that are taken as normal and accepted. We aim to raise awareness on how power relations work and how violence in the face of difference manifests itself in different ways, not always visible.

The project addresses youth workers and young people and aims to foster learning of tools to make visible acts and discourses of discrimination of which we are not aware (invisible racism) and to promote good treatment, as a basis for building relationships based on empathy, cooperation and encounter.
The project will develop a research on invisible racism, fostering the exchange of good practices coming from the experience of the 4 partner countries involved, and will build a toolkit of learning tools that youth workers can use in their work with young people.
The project promotes E-LEARNING for YOUTH WORKERS through a MOOC, Massive Open Online Course, on tools for learning on invisible racism.



  • To exchange good practices, challenges and needs on raising the awareness of young people in their fight against racism.
  • To create tools that make the problem of invisible racism visible, prevent it and promote equal relations based on good treatment.
  • To recognise new and accepted forms of racism in Europe and to generate joint awareness campaigns against racism, presenting Europe as a multicultural and open place, based on Human Rights.
  • To create an innovative tool (MOOC – Massive Open Online Course) for the online learning of youth workers regarding the prevention of Invisible Racism and good relations, fostering more interactive and sustainable learning.


  • Organise a 4 days international seminar, to which 12 youth workers and experts will participate, to exchange good practices, tools for learning, approaches and methodologies on fighting against invisible racism. The seminar will contribute to a glossary of terminology, good practices, methods and recommendations useful for intellectual outcomes of the project, the Manual and the MOOC.
  • Develop a Manual and Toolkit for youth work on fight against invisible racism.
  • Develop a MOOC, Massive Online Open Course for youth workers on fight against invisible racism.
  • Dissemination event for young people: each partner organisation will organise a dissemination event for young people and youth workers where activities of the E-STAR MANUAL AND TOOLKIT will be shared and tested.
  • Final conference: each partner organisation will organize a final conference, inviting representatives of youth organisations, NGOs active in the educative field, youth workers, teachers, educators, as well as involving decision-makers and public authorities.

Socios del proyecto

The international consortium of partners is formed by organisations experienced in non-formal education, human rights education,  peace education campaigns, hate speech and discrimination: CAZALLA Intercultural (Spain), REPLAY Network (Italy), Emberség Erejével Alapítvány (Hungary), TERRAM PACIS (Norway).


El apoyo de la Comisión Europea para la producción de esta publicación no constituye una aprobación del contenido, el cual refleja únicamente las opiniones de los autores, y la Comisión no se hace responsable del uso que pueda hacerse de la información contenida en la misma.

BLOG – E-STAR: E-Learning for standing together against racism

Resultados E-Star

Resultados E-Star

Por un lado, estamos un poco tristes de terminar este proyecto, porque ha sido un proceso muy bonito en el que hemos aprendido mucho, hemos compartido y hemos cambiado. Por otro, estamos orgullosos de todo lo vivido y realizado y estamos seguros de que los resultados...

Micro Abierto E-Star

Micro Abierto E-Star

Este viernes día 5 de Noviembre, Cazalla Intercultural organiza un micro abierto antirracista en la Plaza España, desde las 18h hasta las 21h. Este evento consiste en un espacio para compartir poemas y canciones que celebren la diversidad y nos ayuden a tomar...

Busy bees against fear and boredom

Busy bees against fear and boredom

In Lorca, Spain, we have the youth center M13 where we used to meet with young people and we do a lot of activities: painting, creating, playing, cooking, learning Spanish and also learning values and soft skills. This center is located in the neighborhood “San...



Esta es una buena práctica para concienciar sobre el racismo en la que hemos promovido la visión del proyecto E-STAR. Como estamos encerrados en nuestras casas debido a las restricciones por cuestiones sanitarias, hemos buscado la manera de crear espacios de...

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