Financia: Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. Acción KA 2 – Asociaciones estratégicas Juventud.
Fechas del proyecto: 01/06/2017-30/11/2018
Duración: 18 meses
Lugar de celebración: Poland, UK, Spain, Cyprus.
Grupo destinatario: jóvenes desempleados, trabajadores juveniles

The aim of the project is to develop and implement innovative educational practices, based on the use of games, as an effective method of non-formal education in working with the youngest representatives of the NEET1 group, neglecting compulsory education or learning, with a risk of social exclusion.

This will strengthen the entrepreneurial attitude, key competencies of the young people, as well as build a positive pro-social and intercultural behavior patterns.

Using a joint initiative of partnership an international cooperation, we will create a game to be used as an educational tool for young people. We will share our experiences in using games and will develop together innovative ways to use games as learning tools.

The project will be promoting CLIL2 approach (linguistic immersion is an extremely efficient method that strengthens and extends the language skills) amongst the participants.

We will create a game and other materials that will be used by youth workers, created in collaboration with young people from the NEET group and addressed to them directly.

Participants of the project are educators, facilitators and people working with youth from different countries, dealing with innovative methods of non-formal education. Education needs a new and useful methods and educational tools, that increase the interest and involvement of young people in matters of socio-professional approach in accordance with the ‘learning by doing’ rule.

  • Problems that justifies the project, are:
    – deficits in adolescents key competences,
    – educators (teachers, trainers) have difficulty in engaging young people (large percentage of NEETs in Europe),
    – the use of games is a problem – educational games are little-known, little taken into account in education, they are sometimes more a curiosity, than a basic element,
Overall aim: Development of innovative non-formal education methods and tools, in the field of youth work.

Specific objectives:

  • extending and developing the competencies of educators,
  • creating new tools for working with youth,
  • provide NEET youth with key competences, so that they can increase their chances of social inclusion, reduce barriers and be a part of an active society.
Socios del proyecto




Web of the project




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