- Título: «CHARGER – fighting youth unemployment by developing the employability skills».
- Financia: ERASMUS+ KA2: Capacity Bulding in the field of Youth
- Fechas del proyecto: 1/08/2016 – 11/01/2018
- Duración: 18 meses
- Lugar de celebración: Lorca (Spain), Leszno (Poland), Pau,(France), Dist. Solan, H.P. (India), Kathmandu (Nepal), Songkhla, (Thailand)
- Grupo destinatario: youth workers and NGO managers and young people, especially those unemployed from participating countries.
The CHARGER project is a global capacity building initiative engaging 6 youth organizations from Europe and Asia with the main aim is to create the partnerships response for the urging global problem of youth unemployment, and create the supporting systems by working with the employability competences.
The CHARGER project will be implemented by a partnership of youth organizations in Spain, France, Thailand, Poland, Nepal and India.
The project has the following four main directions of action. The first one is implementation of the International training for trainers and youth workers ¨Empowerment of Young people by developing the employability skills¨ where participants will get familiar with the concept of the employability competence framework and how to empower young people using them. Second stage is the local work that includes the outreach and trainings for local NEETs, focusing on the development of the employability skills. Meanwhile there will be a mobility of 19 EVS volunteers between all participating countries. The last stage is the dissemination and exploitation of results, where each partner will organize one daylong dissemination event.
Since the concept of working the employability skills is still considered innovative, and there are not much materials within the youth work field in this area, the partnership will create the video tutorials for the youth workers.
The specific objectives of the project are the following:
a) to improve the expertise of the partnership, to enable them to work with NEETs more efficiently;
b) to support unemployed young people and NEETs, and particularly those in long-term unemployment to build competencies that will give them better chances to be included in the labor market;
c) to develop the methodological framework and tools to support development of the employability skills of young people;
d) to enhance active citizenship on local and global level within a group of traditionally passive (long-term) unemployed young people;
e) to contribute to improvements of the system or learning recognition within the Learning mobility.
Socios del proyecto
Cazalla Intercultural (Spain)
Fundacja CAT (Poland)
Pistes Solidaires (France)
VSA (Thailand)
VIN (Nepal)
Ruchi (India)
¿Cómo solicitar tu plaza?
Tenemos abiertas las plazas para los proyectos de SVE en Nepal, India y Tailandia. Todos los proyectos están en el campo social y de educación, y los voluntarios trabajarán con varios colectivos de grupos en el riesgo de exclusión social.
Como toda la descripción del proyecto está en nuestra pagína de la redwww.bevolunteer.net os pasamos los elances basicos para poder entrontrar la información rapidamente.
Fecha limite para apuntarse: 10 de Noviembre
Fechas de los proyectos:
India y Tailandia: 1/03/2017 – 31/08/2017
Nepal: 1/03/2017 – 31/07/2017
Descripción de actividades (es en ingles):
Nepal: http://www.bevolunteer.net/evs-nepal
India: http://www.bevolunteer.net/evs-india
Tailandia: http://www.bevolunteer.net/evs-thailand
Quien puede solicitar: http://www.bevolunteer.net/charger-who-can-participate
Como solicitar: http://www.bevolunteer.net/charger-ho-to-apply