OLE - Open Learning Experience

  • Título: OLE
  • Financia: Erasmus+
  • Fechas del proyecto: 1-9-2017 al 29-2-2020
  • Duración: 30 meses
  • Lugar de celebración: UK, Spain, Italy
Open Learning Experience aims to support schools with toolkit of resources to help migrants to deal with culture and language shock when they arrive to the country.

This project was born from a very clear need: due to new migrations, schools are overcrowded and they need tools and resources to respond to the new classrooms. On  the other hand, immigrant students of first and second generation have needs for coexistence and adaptation to the new culture without losing their identity, and these needs go beyond language learning. Teachers and educators have analyzed this problem in the classroom and met with representatives of associations, to see how, through a joint project, we can create new materials and prepare teachers to support immigrant students in its acquisition of competences, not only linguistic, but also civic and social, and develop with them the concept and practice of «good treatment» both with themselves (through encouraging self esteem) and others (developing empathy, conflict resolution, etc).

The main goal of this project is to increase the quality of language teaching for foreigners who attend welcoming classes to improve learning opportunities for migrant children through activities that develop their linguistic, social and intercultural skills.


The specific objectives of the project are:

  1. Provide teachers with the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to implement language teaching for foreigners through holistic and experiential learning in the classroom.
  2. Exchange experiences and intersectoral perspectives combining formal and nonformal education to improve the integration of migrant children in the classroom.
  3. Implement a system of recognition of linguistic, social and intercultural learning using the methodology of gamification.
  4. Introduce, as a transversal content to develop in the classroom, the concept of «good treatment«, understood as a positive attitude that improves self esteem and social and intercultural skills of students and work with them on the universal values we share.
  5. Create a handbook for educators with activities transferable to contexts of schools with large numbers of migrants students to combine language learning and development of intercultural and social competences.
Socios del proyecto
No Name Country
1 Cazalla Intercultural Spain
2 Ayuntamiento de Lorca Spain
3 Praxis UK
5 REPLAY Italy
Activities during the project
This project has a very simple structure, focused on developing an intellectual product deeply and on training teachers from an intersectoral perspective so that they can carry out their work with higher quality and efficiency: first we will hold a C1 seminar so that teachers share their experience. The results of the seminar will be shared with decision makers at the regional level. We will then develop a handbook for teachers dealing with migrant students.

Once developed, we will have a training course for teachers, where they can familiarize themselves with the manual and with the methods of experiential education. These teachers and educators will implement the manual with their students in multipier events in every country. Thanks to this you can then correct and adapt the manual, translate, publish and present it to teachers and educators in multiplier events for teachers. We will hold 5 transnational meetings and 10 virtual meetings to monitor the project process.


El proyecto Open Learning Experience está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El contenido de esta web es responsabilidad exclusiva de Cazalla Intercultural y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.


Aprendiendo juntos

Aprendiendo juntos

Del 13 al 19 de junio hemos desarrollado el curso de formación de OLE, con profesores, educadores y voluntarios de inglés, italiano y español para inmigrantes. Durante este curso hemos aprendido los principios de la educación no formal y la interculturalidad y cómo...

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