Escrito por Cazalla Intercultural.
Cazalla Intercultural – who we are?
Cazalla Intercultural is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the field of non-formal education and to promote and support volunteering. We work mainly with the Erasmus+ program on the international level and with other local grants such as Caixa Bank’s one. We have an agreement with the City of Lorca and collaborate with it´s Youth Department in running a local Youth Center (Centro de recursos y formación juvenil M13) and giving information about mobility to young people .
Our Objectives:
- Contribute to local development and tolerance between cultures and races
- Promote human rights education
- Promote volunteering as a way of learning
- Contribute to improving the quality of youth work
- Create international networks with which to collaborate on global projects
- Promote mobility as a learning experience among young
- To help young people to be active citizens and participate in the European context
- Preventing gender violence among young people and contribute to gender equality.
Our points of attention:
- The Human Rights
- Global challenges
- The Interculturality
- Citizenship and participation of young people
- The prevention of gender based violence among youth
- Non-formal education
- Creativity and quality in youth work
- The active participation of citizens
About the EVS project
Place: Lorca (Region of Murcia), Spain
Duration: 12 months
Starting date: 7th of January 2018 or 1st of February 2018
Deadline for applications: 10th of December 2017
Videos done by our EVS volunteers:
Blogs in our website:
- The EVS volunteer will be helping in organizing workshops and courses for local community, leisure and educational activities for children and youth, and local projects with the objective of fighting integration difficulties of recently arrived migrants in Lorca.
- The volunteer’s task will include coordination of the youth centre: organization of regular workshops for young people, administration of the youth centre in coordination with the youngsters, participation in the local initatives: organization of international days’ celebrations, collaborating with local volunteers, participate in the Language Café (spoken english for youngsters of Lorca) and support during international activities hosted by Cazalla Intercultural.
- The volunteer will be encourage to realize his/her own ideas for projects connected with the theme of the project
- All volunteers should be also prepared to help us with the maintenance of the Youth Centre (max. 5% of the working hours) and tasks connected to it (cleaning, supporting in cooking, etc.)
- The volunteer will receive 2hrs of Spanish classes per week
Volunteer needs to be interested in work with young people, motivation and enthusiasm to cooperate with them. For this place there is a strong preference for a person that likes to organize his/her own job and is able to come up with ideas, priority will be given to those whom have had volunteering experiences before. We do appreciate creative people who might have interesting hobbies to be able to organize workshops with the users of the youth centre. Basic level of Spanish would be very helpful. Many of our users are part of arabic speaking communities, so also some knowledge of Arabic would be supportive (but not mandatory!) for us.
Working hours:
Monday-Friday (afternoons) 16:30 – 20:30 + twice a week in the mornings 10:00-14:00
- Support the team in the implementation of the local parts of international activities, that will include support of Young people who would like to do their voluntary projects (EVS), implementation of the clases in schools that forms part of the international activities, and other activities working directly with Young people.
- Administration support – volunteers might be asked for the translation or the support in the elavoration of the documents, call for participats and other administrative stuff;
- Volunteers will spend at least one afternoon per week implementing activities in youth center
- The volunteer will be encourage to realize his/her own ideas for projects connected with the theme of the project
- All volunteers should be also prepared to help us with the maintenance of the Youth Centre (max. 5% of the working hours) and tasks connected to it (cleaning, supporting in cooking, etc.)
- The volunteer will receive 2hrs of Spanish classes per week
Working hours:
Monday-Friday (afternoons) 10:00 – 14:00 + twice a week in the afternoon
- Volunteer will be responsable for the support in the implementation of the communication startegy of the organization, that means will be supporting the activities in the social media, will be preparing the documunication materials like posters, videos etc.
- Depending on the volunteers competence the tasks might be adapted to the main área of interest, and there is a possibility to run workshops with Young people on different elements of communication – like photography or social media.
- Volunteers will spend at least one afternoon per week implementing activities in youth center
- The volunteer will be encourage to realize his/her own ideas for projects connected with the theme of the project
- All volunteers should be also prepared to help us with the maintenance of the Youth Centre (max. 5% of the working hours) and tasks connected to it (cleaning, supporting in cooking, etc.)
- The volunteer will receive 2hrs of Spanish classes per week
Working hours:
Monday-Friday (afternoons) 10:00 – 14:00 + twice a week in the afternoon
Application procedure:
We are welcome to apply all the young people who:
– are between 18 and 30 years old
– did not participate in any long term EVS project before
– does not require visa to spend 12 months in Spain.
In order to participate in this EVS you should fill out the registration form in google docs. by 10th of December 2017
Registration form:
Contact Info:
Cazalla Intercultural
c/Corredera 36 (bajo)
30800 Lorca
tel: +34 968 44 46 43